I cannot even imagine why ANYONE would vote for ANY DEMOCRAT in 2022, not in local, not in statewide, not in national elections. Democrats these days are PATHETIC, they have nothing constructive, nothing positive, nothing good to offer any of us or the good of our USA society. All I can figure is that anyone who votes democrat these days, given the current state of affairs, is just flat-out ignorant, ignorant at least in regard to politics and of what is GOOD and TRUE in politics. This was not always so, and hopefully will not always be so, but sadly this is true TODAY, anyone who votes democrat these days is just flat-out ignorant.

I probably don't mean the following literally, but perhaps close to it. I am simply trying to make a point, an important point to preserve the survival of our USA in reasonably good fashion. We need a Constitutional Amendment and we need it ASAP: People ignorant of politics and of what is GOOD and TRUE in politics can still vote, but their vote counts only 1/2 or perhaps 1/4. Ignorant voters should not be able to vote into office ignorant democrat politicians and their ignorant policies, even if they have majority vote. We need to provide some measure of insurance for the good of our country and its' healthy and well survival, we must limit the value of ignorant political votes to the bare minimum.
