Showing posts with label CHURCH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CHURCH. Show all posts


I wrote in WHAT IF A PRIEST?, "And what if you quit your job working for the church? And you stopped going to church? And you stopped practicing the faith? And you stopped going to mass? And you stopped receiving the sacraments? And you stopped participating in the community? ... for these and many other reasons." 

This is as good a time as any to mention some of these reasons. I do not pretend that any one or two of these mentioned are very good reasons for me to stop practicing the faith. They are reasons, yes, but not necessarily very good reasons. But when I add these up to a sum total, I am left with the realization and personal decision that I do not want to associate with or be affiliated with these types of people. 

I continue to have much faith in God the Father, in Jesus and in the Holy Spirit. I remain for the most part Roman Catholic in my theological understanding and belief. But I do not feel close to the Catholic Church as an institution, or in many of its traditions or day-to-day practices. 

The following items concern what others did or did not do that I took offense with. It is a relatively brief accounting -- I could have made it much longer. I realize I run the risk here of being quite arrogant. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." I do know God DOES NOT like arrogance. I also know God DOES like honesty. Here I am being quite honest. I will mention in some future post a few reasons closer to home -- my personal psychology, so to speak -- of why I no longer actively participate in the Catholic community.

--the priest who always and at every chance stared down crying infants and their parents during his homily, refusing to speak another word so long as the rude interruption to his wisdom continued. Perhaps it never occured to this priest that the infant was simply voicing what many others were feeling about his not-very-wise homily.

--the several priests and deacon who continually put down -- no, more like condemned! -- people who are divorced and those who are homosexual. Oh, by the way, one of these priests was the one who requested my affection as mentioned in WHAT IF A PRIEST?. Not once did I hear mentioned that perhaps people who get divorced did love each other deeply but something went terribly wrong. Not once did I hear mentioned that perhaps people who are homosexual actually love each other deeply. Remember? ... God is love. Remember? ... He who abides in love abides in God. Remember? ... The gospel!

--the old lady telling me after Sunday 12:00 mass as Hurricane Katrina approached that she had nowhere to go but home and that she would have to trust God. She died in the storm. I don't remember the priests ever inviting those in need to come to them for help.

--the priests telling the shell-shocked congregation after Hurricane Katrina, "Move back home. We did." Nothing at all like "These are very difficult times and decisions. Pray. Do what is best for you and your family. Whatever you decide, we love you and wish you God's Blessings."

--the deacon -- of above average financial means -- who had volunteers gut his home very early on after Katrina. I can't help but think that there were people in more genuine need of that limited volunteer resource at the time.

--the priest leading the Sunday Mass "Prayer of the Faithful" with a prayer for the New Orleans Saints football team to win their playoff game.

--2 widows crying in church to me of their Katrina losses who said they had nowhere to turn for help. I'm not aware that the parish priests did anything to attempt to make a list of those in need or to reach out to them in any way.

--the priest making a fuss over the tennis shoes a young altar server wore, apparently not caring that the boy likely lost everything in Katrina and perhaps a pair of nice dress shoes was not a family priority just yet.

--the priest flicking water into an altar server's face because he didn't like the way the server held the fingerbowl out for him. Oh, by the way, the server was somewhat "slow" and likely a special-ed student. I was standing right there. I wanted to deck the guy right in the middle of mass!

--the brilliant talk given by the assistant-principal nun to a church full of elementary school children. She spoke several minutes after mass instructing them that the only truly Christian names come from the Bible or from the saints of the church. Modern names like Mattie, Maggie, Terrel and Terance just don't cut it -- not Christian, almost a disgrace. Not sure what she wanted the children to do about this sad situation that many of them obviously did not have a good Christian name: Go home and sue their parents? Demand to be driven immediately to City Hall to legally change their names? Brilliant, Sister!

--after listening to 6 years of daily homilies I can recall about 40 seconds worth. I don't want to say that most of the homilies I heard were terrible but most of the homilies I heard were terrible.

--I notice the parish spared no expense in rebuilding after Katrina, but continued to pay me a ridiculous low wage (in my opinion) considering the value of my service to the parish. I was expected to be there and on-call morning, noon and night, 7 days a week, with no backup.

--I worked 3 full years without a day off. Not once did one of the 5 or more priests or brother who lived 2 minutes from church ever offer to open the church and set up for the daily morning mass, or to set up for the daily evening mass and lock the church afterwards. Most parishes have 1 priest who does that for himself often, if not every day. If I had that generous relief offered even once or twice, I would have felt like I died and went to heaven. Not so.

If I wanted to I could blast myself for this BLAST OFF. What about all the good priests? What about all the good people? What about all the good works? What about Jesus and the Blessed Sacrament? What about the Holy Spirit guiding the Church in matters of faith and morals? What about my own apathy? And my own sin? And my own soul? I sense I've already said enough -- for now.



In an earlier post, WHAT IF A PRIEST?I came down pretty hard on a particular experience I had with a particular priest. I want now to set the record straight in regard to my thought about priests in general.

I was raised Roman Catholic and spent quite a bit of time involved in church activities. I attended graduate school of theology for 3 years. I spent several years working for various parishes and had a room to live in several rectories. I was a caretaker of a home for priests to visit on their days off of work. I came across a good number of priests over the years -- most were simply passing acquaintances; others I got to know fairly well.

I would say that 2 out of 10 priests I have met over the years are ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING! men of God. They are a strong witness to all that is good. They give themselves and their lives to serve God and others seemingly wholeheartedly. They are a joy to meet and an inspiration to me in my life.

I would say that 6 out of 10 priests are run of the mill AVERAGE GUYS. They mostly try to do what they are supposed to do, and they try to do it reasonably well. They hit and miss. Put in some effort; take some away. They rise to the occasion at times; they fall short at others. For the most part they put in a day's work for a day's pay. Nothing great; nothing outstanding; nothing truly inspiring. They mostly do what they are supposed to do in a rather typical, average way.

I would say that 2 out of 10 priests are a DISGRACE to themselves, to their profession and to God. They made a terrible mistake by becoming priests. The Church made a terrible mistake by ordaining them. They should get out of the priesthood or be thrown out and they should try to get their life in order someplace with less on the line in the way of influence in the lives of others. They need a lot of prayer, a lot of work and a lot of change -- on themselves.

All in all I think the 2-6-2 out of 10 ratio for priests -- 2 outstanding, 6 average, 2 miserable -- is about equivalent to the ratio I find in the general public. Every once in a while I come across extraordinary individuals -- beautiful people who seem to have it mostly all together -- doing beautiful things. Most people I find to be rather average -- take it or leave it -- just getting along -- hit and miss. A few people seem to be scum of the earth. They are a disgrace to themselves and a misery to others.

For my part I am a mixed bag. I have had moments of being extraordinary -- but only a few brief moments. That really doesn't count for much. I have unfortunately also had moments of seeming to be scum. I have hurt and disappointed others -- I think unintentionally, but hurt them nonetheless. Most of the time I seem to be just an average Joe: trying to get through life in a reasonably decent way; trying to get better at this -- one step forward, two steps backward, and one or two forward again. I do think I am making some small progress. Baby steps -- sad but true -- for a grown man.



It's been 3 days since this post was published and it's just not sitting well with me. It cannot be that 2/10 priests and 2/10 people in the general public are MISERABLE FAILURES. I may be judgmental and cynical, but I am not THAT judgmental and cynical. 2/10 priests and 2/10 people miserable failures? It cannot be that many! Then what would be a more accurate ratio? 2/20? 2/40? 2/100?

Who knows? I am not God. It's not for me to decide. The point of the post is: There are some wonderful priests and we can learn well from them and their lead. Most are like the rest of us and they serve us reasonably well. Some leave a lot to be desired -- they seemingly do more harm than good.

Some good news in all of this is that the Church believes and teaches that the efficacy of the sacraments does NOT depend on the state of the minister. God's grace abounds and will benefit the recipient. This, indeed, is the REALLY GOOD NEWS!



I'm no expert when it comes to how to recognize inappropriate behavior and how to respond properly. I would like to say a few things in regard to WHAT IF A PRIEST? (previous post I recommend you read before this post).

1. Inappropriate behavior can come from anyone, at anytime, in anyplace. We must be on guard to recognize such behavior when it manifests itself and feel comfortable and strong to stand up against it and not participate in any way.

2. It is quite okay, in fact it is imperative, to say NO! to such behavior and to not participate even in the least. Otherwise, the perpetrator will take advantage of us and proceed with ill intent at every situation that presents itself. It is okay to say NO! It is okay to say NO! It is okay to say NO! Don't worry about offending the person! Say what you have to say and do what you have to do to get out of the uncomfortable and inappropriate situation, never to return.

3. Many times inappropriate behavior will not escalate on a scale of 1 to 10 quickly, all in the same visit. Sometimes it may escalate quickly, as in the case of rape by a stranger. Other times -- perhaps often -- the inappropriate behavior will escalate from a seemingly innocent tap on the thigh or "Take my hand and I will give you absolution" to full blown effect in a bear hug and kissing over a long period of time -- days, weeks, months or even years. Sometimes the perpetrator is quite calculating and methodical in his or her approach, moving slowly and with great caution like a cat -- until the success of the final pounce seems certain in hand. It is okay to say NO! to the first indication of inappropriate behavior -- "NO! I will not hold your hand during absolution." You do not have to wait until the behavior escalates to the extreme of a bear hug and kissing to say NO!

4. It is okay and even important to report such inappropriate behavior to someone in authority -- to your parents, or to your teacher, or to the school principal, or to your spouse or mate, or to the church pastor, or to the perpetrator's boss, or to the police. Do not keep the incident to yourself. Report it to someone who can investigate, file a report and hold the perpetrator responsible and in check. This, hopefully, will help prevent that person from attempting the same behavior with other innocent victims.



What if you had been away from the Catholic church and not practiced your faith in 10 years...

And you decided to go back to church; to practice the faith; to go to mass; to receive the sacraments; to participate with the community...

And you went to your neighborhood parish church early one morning to get a fresh start, a new beginning...

And you went to confession. And the priest hearing confession that morning happened to be someone you and your family knew somewhat well from years earlier...

And toward the end of confession the priest said to you, "Take my hand and I will give you absolution." And you felt uncomfortable about it, but you did take his hand, and he did give you absolution...

And what if one week later you got a call from this same priest offering you a job to work for the parish...

And you took the job thankful to God for welcoming you back into the fold...

And what if you went to confession some time later to this same priest. And again he said to you, "Take my hand and I will give you absolution." And again you felt uncomfortable about it, but you did take his hand, and he did give you absolution. And the priest added, "Your sins are very serious. I think it would be wise to come to my office so we could talk."...

And what if you went to his office. And you talked. And he said, "Your sins are very serious. I think it would be wise to come to my office often, and we will say the rosary and pray for Mary's intervention and God's healing."...

And you went to his office. And you prayed the rosary together. And you went to confession. And again he said, "Take my hand and I will give you absolution." And you did...

And what if a visit or so later the priest said to you, "You know, we priests don't get much affection. Would you mind if you and I shared a little affection at the end of this meeting?" And you were stunned. And you didn't know what to think. And you didn't know what to say. And you didn't want to offend the priest. So you shrugged your shoulders and said timidly, "I guess so."...

And what if at the end of that meeting the priest stood up, and you stood up, and he approached you, and he embraced you, and he gave you a bear hug, and he began to kiss you on the forehead, and then on the cheek, and you were stunned, and horrified, and embarrassed, and didn't dare lift your face for fear of what may happen next...

And what if you pushed yourself away and said you had to go now. And you left his office. And you never returned to his office again...

And you tried to avoid that priest as best you could, but you couldn't too well because you would see him often each week for mass...

And what if that priest was transferred to out of state...

And what if it came to your attention that this same priest had tried something very similar to this inappropriate behavior 25 years earlier...

And what if you quit your job working for the church? And you stopped going to church? And you stopped practicing the faith? And you stopped going to mass? And you stopped receiving the sacraments? And you stopped participating in the community? ... for these and many other reasons.

(Please read post WHAT IF A PRIEST?-2 for some conclusions drawn from this experience.)