In an earlier post, WHAT IF A PRIEST?I came down pretty hard on a particular experience I had with a particular priest. I want now to set the record straight in regard to my thought about priests in general.

I was raised Roman Catholic and spent quite a bit of time involved in church activities. I attended graduate school of theology for 3 years. I spent several years working for various parishes and had a room to live in several rectories. I was a caretaker of a home for priests to visit on their days off of work. I came across a good number of priests over the years -- most were simply passing acquaintances; others I got to know fairly well.

I would say that 2 out of 10 priests I have met over the years are ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING! men of God. They are a strong witness to all that is good. They give themselves and their lives to serve God and others seemingly wholeheartedly. They are a joy to meet and an inspiration to me in my life.

I would say that 6 out of 10 priests are run of the mill AVERAGE GUYS. They mostly try to do what they are supposed to do, and they try to do it reasonably well. They hit and miss. Put in some effort; take some away. They rise to the occasion at times; they fall short at others. For the most part they put in a day's work for a day's pay. Nothing great; nothing outstanding; nothing truly inspiring. They mostly do what they are supposed to do in a rather typical, average way.

I would say that 2 out of 10 priests are a DISGRACE to themselves, to their profession and to God. They made a terrible mistake by becoming priests. The Church made a terrible mistake by ordaining them. They should get out of the priesthood or be thrown out and they should try to get their life in order someplace with less on the line in the way of influence in the lives of others. They need a lot of prayer, a lot of work and a lot of change -- on themselves.

All in all I think the 2-6-2 out of 10 ratio for priests -- 2 outstanding, 6 average, 2 miserable -- is about equivalent to the ratio I find in the general public. Every once in a while I come across extraordinary individuals -- beautiful people who seem to have it mostly all together -- doing beautiful things. Most people I find to be rather average -- take it or leave it -- just getting along -- hit and miss. A few people seem to be scum of the earth. They are a disgrace to themselves and a misery to others.

For my part I am a mixed bag. I have had moments of being extraordinary -- but only a few brief moments. That really doesn't count for much. I have unfortunately also had moments of seeming to be scum. I have hurt and disappointed others -- I think unintentionally, but hurt them nonetheless. Most of the time I seem to be just an average Joe: trying to get through life in a reasonably decent way; trying to get better at this -- one step forward, two steps backward, and one or two forward again. I do think I am making some small progress. Baby steps -- sad but true -- for a grown man.



It's been 3 days since this post was published and it's just not sitting well with me. It cannot be that 2/10 priests and 2/10 people in the general public are MISERABLE FAILURES. I may be judgmental and cynical, but I am not THAT judgmental and cynical. 2/10 priests and 2/10 people miserable failures? It cannot be that many! Then what would be a more accurate ratio? 2/20? 2/40? 2/100?

Who knows? I am not God. It's not for me to decide. The point of the post is: There are some wonderful priests and we can learn well from them and their lead. Most are like the rest of us and they serve us reasonably well. Some leave a lot to be desired -- they seemingly do more harm than good.

Some good news in all of this is that the Church believes and teaches that the efficacy of the sacraments does NOT depend on the state of the minister. God's grace abounds and will benefit the recipient. This, indeed, is the REALLY GOOD NEWS!