What's right with the world? Plenty, but I'll save some of those thoughts for another post. What's wrong with the world? Plenty, but in this regard I will mention a few small-ticket items. These seem rather obvious to me -- nothing too great or too earth-shattering; nothing that is already much on the political radar screen. I will mention a few simple but obvious things that are just not right. Each is waiting for someone like you to take up the cause, call it your own, and make a name for yourself as you make a difference to right the wrong.


It's not right that young school children wait at bus stops at ridiculous hours of the morning -- 5:30, 6:00, 6:30 AM -- regardless of the weather. This plain and simple isn't right. No school child should have to wait at a bus stop anytime before 7:00 AM! No if, ands or buts. It Just Not Right!


Many bus stops -- far and away most -- do not have a decent bench and some type of shelter from the weather. Too often elderly people who can barely walk, or young mothers holding infants, wait at bus stops with no place to sit, with no shelter from the wind, the rain, the cold or the heat. Shame on us for allowing this. It's Just Not Right!


It's not right that many Catholic church parishes have bell towers that chime throughout the neighborhood and everyone is forced to listen whether they want to or not. It doesn't seem too awful that these bells chime for a minute at 8 AM, 12 noon and 6 PM. This is a rather innocent way to let folks know what time it is, and if they want to say a prayer .... What is not right is when these bells chime before each mass, and especially when these bells chime melodies of church songs. Not everyone in the neighborhood cares to hear those church songs, yet they are forced to listen against their will. What is the difference between the big, powerful Catholic church blaring its unwelcome noise throughout the neighborhood and a not-so-big, not-so-powerful teenager blaring his boom box? Maybe I'm missing something here, but it seems to me that there is no difference. It's Just Not Right!


It's not right that so many drivers -- that any drivers -- speed and tailgate. These people have little regard for their life and the life of anyone who is unfortunate enough to be near. I guess they are all stupid enough to think that nothing will go wrong, that there will be no mishap, or that they will somehow miraculously respond with lightening-proper reflex if something does go wrong. These people don't know the meaning of the term defensive driving, and if they do, they obviously don't care. How  many innocent people must die because of these selfish idiots? What's the difference between them and someone taking a gun and shooting randomly at everyone walking in the park? I see no difference -- they are all selfish murderers. It's Just Not Right!


It's not right that someone can go to a job, work hard all day every day, and bring home a ridiculously low paycheck ... particularly when the boss and managers bring home very nice, even fabulous, paychecks. It doesn't take much insight to realize that the boss and managers are making a good bit, if not the major bit, of their salaries off the backs of those they don't pay a decent wage to. This unfortunate practice happens all too often. Untold millions of hard-working yet poorly-paid workers suffer because we allow this to continue. It's Just Not Right!


It's not right that within many Catholic church communities there is a strong movement to encourage what is called perpetual adoration. This means that through all hours of the night individuals, usually one or two for each hour, volunteer to go to the chapel to pray. Prayer is good, but it's not right to schedule these well-meaning people to leave the security of their homes, drive the dark streets, and walk the unguarded sidewalk to and from the chapel in the middle of the night. Maybe it's because I live in a violent city, but it seems to me that middle-of-the-night adoration is a crime -- possibly death -- waiting to happen. It won't be long before some criminal figures out that there are easy prey out there in the dark of night. I know the church loves its martyrs, but it doesn't have to go out of its way in blind ignorance of likely consequences to invite martyrdom. It's Just Not Right!

More to come in future post.