I am 55 years old and as I look back over those years there are some moments that stand out to me as being more than a coincidence. I cannot help but consider these moments to be evidence of something more than the ordinary -- to be truly nothing less than answered prayer.

I write this post not to wave these my moments in front of you for some type of recognition. I write this post to encourage you -- or more hopefully to remind you -- to recall your own life experience and see that you also have had such moments of answered prayer. Someone, somewhere, somehow is watching over us! I cannot speak for you, but for my part I stand in awe and gratitude of these magical -- no -- of these Mystical moments.


I was in my early 20s at the time. Down and out. Lonely, as usual. Not feeling well at all. Rather prayerful by nature -- or nourished by need? -- I went across town to a local university. I found some small measure of peace on the beautiful front lawn. Quiet and prayerful. A religious statue not far away. Broken hearted, I was just trying to hang in there. Trying to maintain some glimmer of hope that life was not really so miserable as it seemed. Trying to muster my belief that perhaps there was something beautiful on the horizon that I just couldn't see.

I was thinking at the time of a young woman I had met a few years earlier. Absolutely gorgeous! Precious! Sweet! One of God's gifts to this earth. I hadn't seen her in years, but she had touched my heart and my soul just by her being. We barely knew each other. Our relationship was little more than in passing only. Nevertheless, she and her beauty and her spirit definitely touched my heart.

Sitting down and out on the university lawn, I thought of her and her beautiful spirit. I looked up toward the religious statue in a gesture of prayer ... and there she was! There she was in the distance walking toward me. THERE SHE WAS!

We met and spoke for but a few minutes. I cannot remember what we said at the time. I don't remember having seen her since. For this moment, though, I know that someone ... somewhere ... somehow -- beyond what I touch and feel and see -- is with me. This moment in my life was indeed more than a coincidence. I have no rational explanation whatsoever. I say it is answered prayer.


This next remarkable moment will certainly seem commonplace and quite unremarkable to most of you. I assume that you have had probably many and sometimes close relationships to the opposite sex since you were a child. Try to imagine if you can a person -- me -- who for whatever reason grew into his late 20s and had very few close relationships to females for all of those years.

I went to a nightclub to have a drink and look at the women. Lonely, as usual. I had been going to clubs for some time now. Never really enjoyed the atmosphere. Not my style. Not my interests. Except -- except -- that's where the ladies were. I was smart enough to know that no lady was going to come knocking on my door. I pretty much forced myself to get out the house and give fate an opportunity. Maybe. Maybe. Just maybe I would meet someone to take an interest in me. Someone to give me the time of day. Someone to treat me like I so desperately wanted and needed to be treated -- with a measure of love and care and concern. For me. For me!

Down and out. Not feeling well. Going through the motions. Walking around the nightclub. Sipping on my drink. Walking. And looking. And wanting. And hoping. And broken so miserably. Crying deep within. I turned the corner of the dance floor and I saw her -- this gorgeous PRINCESS -- smiling at me. No doubt about it. Smiling at ME!

She disappeared into the crowd. I couldn't get her off my mind. I walked about. Sipping my drink. I had for the moment a small measure of joy that someone -- that this princess -- had taken the time and the care to smile -- at me!

I watched her dance. A pure delight! Precious! I found enough nerve to walk up to her and ask if she would like to dance. She did. And we did. And we two enjoyed the remainder of the night and the weekend together.

She then got on a plane and flew to the opposite end of the country where she lives. We have remained good friends through these many  years. To my way of thinking this precious moment in my life is more than a coincidence. Someone, somewhere, somehow is watching over me.


I had walked away from 20 years of social service work. Couldn't continue. Didn't have it in me. I was drained, and frustrated and exhausted. I remember walking on the levee crying -- a grown man literally crying. Broken hearted. I had to move on to some other work. I was just no longer well suited to where I was and to what I was doing.

I had walked away from my 7 years employment with the church. Many reasons went into this decision. Some are mentioned in the post WHAT IF A PRIEST. I will likely mention other reasons in some future post. It was time to move on -- again.

I had been working several months as a stock clerk for a neighborhood grocery. Please don't get me wrong -- very grateful for the employment  and the income. It helped me to (barely) stay afloat. Making little more than minimum wage; fronting cans of carrots and peas so everything looked just right; gathering buggies from the parking lot; mopping the floors and cleaning the toilets.

From my broken heart I prayed desperately -- no, I begged -- to be spared from this work. I know someone needs to do these chores, but after several years of graduate school, after climbing to some comfortable height in social service work, after shouldering much responsibility at the church, I seemed -- well -- I seemed reduced to very little. I prayed to be delivered. Surely I had something more to contribute, even as I didn't know -- broken as I was -- what that something was, or even could be.

I called a friend G that morning to say hello and ask how she and her husband had been doing. Hadn't seen or talked to them in several months. Both are pillars of the church. Good folks.

Pushing buggies in the parking lot. Praying in desperation. My cellphone rang ... "Hello. I don't know if you remember me. This is J from CSH. I don't know if you're looking for work or not, but if you are interested we need a delivery driver."

Thank you, God! Thank you, God! THANK YOU, GOD!!!

It turns out G went to the religious gift store just minutes earlier to buy a few things for the church. J recognized her just enough to know she was involved at the same church where I worked. "Do you know that guy who works at your church? I don't remember his name. I haven't seem him in a long while. Do you know how I can get in touch with him?"

"J doesn't work at the church anymore. He left months ago. I can get a message to him, though, if you like. Wait a minute. WAIT A MINUTE! I have his cellphone number right here. He called me just a few minutes ago. Here it is ...."

I'm not really big into making deliveries. I'm not really big into church supplies. But for the most part this employment with CSH is just what the doctor ordered -- quiet, peaceful and prayerful. From the big city, I relish driving down country roads, along the bayous and the Gulf Coast. Certainly more than a coincidence, someone is watching over me. And that someone has my cellphone number! Unbelievable!

I could mention several more remarkable moments in my life, but I don't see the need -- I think you get the point. Let me, though, mention just one more I think you will enjoy.


My ex-wife and I had divorced several years earlier. Things just didn't work out. We managed to salvage a somewhat cordial relationship afterward, nothing too very bitter. A simple phone call every so often to say "Hello. How are you?"

SS had moved a year earlier to the other side of the state. She had been diagnosed with a brain tumor, and moved to the country to be close to her best friends on this earth. SS was very near to dying.

She called me one day and asked, "Could you please send me $1000?" You would have to know SS ... I'm sure it almost literally killed her to make that phone call. Very Proud. Very Strong. Very Independent. I never asked what she needed the money for. None of my business. She and I both knew I didn't have a dime to send. Had been living paycheck to paycheck for quite a long while now. All I said was, "I will do my best to get it to you soon."

I hung up the phone and started praying. I asked God to please let me send SS $1000. I asked again. And again. And again. I didn't have $1000 to send. Really. Hardly even a nickel. I couldn't charge it. I couldn't borrow it. I wouldn't steal it.

All I knew to do was to pray ... and I went to the city casino that night. I wanted so much to do something nice for SS for a change ... I was almost crying. I put $20 in the slot machine. And I prayed with every push of the spin.

Not 15 minutes later I won a small jackpot! I had $1000 to the dollar to send to SS. The money order was in the mail early the next morning.

SS died a week later.


Most Sincerely,


Okay, FJS, enough! At least for the moment. Time to lighten up.

I'm pretty close to understanding God and will write a brief post to explain all of this before too long. However, there are several things on this earth that I do not understand and these seem to be closely related. These are:
  1. musicians
  2. typists
  3. court reporters
  4. sign-language interpreters
  5. calculator-machine operators 
This post WHAT ARE THEY THINKING? is intended to add much customer-value to FJS THOUGHTS. Unfortunately, I don't have the value to add myself, so I will humble myself and ask that you -- the post reader -- add the value here for me. I invite you -- I implore you -- to please add comments sufficient for me and for all to help understand what the aforementioned folks are THINKING when they do what they do.

I have played music since 4th grade. I can read treble clef a bit. I know a few chords. I don't have the foggiest idea what musicians are THINKING when they zip thru notes and chord progressions effortlessly. How the heck do they move their fingers so quickly? so that what comes out actually sounds nice? How do they memorize all those songs? notes? chords? lyrics?

LYRICS? Many songs have rhyming words verse after verse. How do they keep it all in order without mixing things up? How do bands play together and seem to get the notes all right, not adding an extra note here or there, all knowing exactly how long to hold this note or that rest? I don't have a clue? Please leave comments and explain all of this to me.

And while you're at it, perhaps you will be so kind as to explain much the same for typists, court reporters, sign-language interpreters and calculator-machine operators. Once again, WHAT ARE THEY THINKING? when they do what they do? My brain simply does not work THAT FAST. And yet, I think I have a rather average brain. We're all made of more or less the same stuff. I don't have a clue!

I can type about 60 words per minute. When I type, I am thinking to myself 1 letter at a time. I spell out every word quietly to myself, and type letter by letter, 1 at a time. This cannot be -- CANNOT BE! -- what professional typists are thinking and doing. It's just not possible that this is the secret to speed typing, or court reporting, or sign-language interpreting or calculator-machine operating. What do those people know that I do not know? What is their secret? How do they do what they do?

I thank each of you who will add insight and value to this post by adding comments in sufficient detail to explain to me and to other mere mortals these mysteries of the earth.

Most Sincerely,


I'm no expert when it comes to how to recognize inappropriate behavior and how to respond properly. I would like to say a few things in regard to WHAT IF A PRIEST? (previous post I recommend you read before this post).

1. Inappropriate behavior can come from anyone, at anytime, in anyplace. We must be on guard to recognize such behavior when it manifests itself and feel comfortable and strong to stand up against it and not participate in any way.

2. It is quite okay, in fact it is imperative, to say NO! to such behavior and to not participate even in the least. Otherwise, the perpetrator will take advantage of us and proceed with ill intent at every situation that presents itself. It is okay to say NO! It is okay to say NO! It is okay to say NO! Don't worry about offending the person! Say what you have to say and do what you have to do to get out of the uncomfortable and inappropriate situation, never to return.

3. Many times inappropriate behavior will not escalate on a scale of 1 to 10 quickly, all in the same visit. Sometimes it may escalate quickly, as in the case of rape by a stranger. Other times -- perhaps often -- the inappropriate behavior will escalate from a seemingly innocent tap on the thigh or "Take my hand and I will give you absolution" to full blown effect in a bear hug and kissing over a long period of time -- days, weeks, months or even years. Sometimes the perpetrator is quite calculating and methodical in his or her approach, moving slowly and with great caution like a cat -- until the success of the final pounce seems certain in hand. It is okay to say NO! to the first indication of inappropriate behavior -- "NO! I will not hold your hand during absolution." You do not have to wait until the behavior escalates to the extreme of a bear hug and kissing to say NO!

4. It is okay and even important to report such inappropriate behavior to someone in authority -- to your parents, or to your teacher, or to the school principal, or to your spouse or mate, or to the church pastor, or to the perpetrator's boss, or to the police. Do not keep the incident to yourself. Report it to someone who can investigate, file a report and hold the perpetrator responsible and in check. This, hopefully, will help prevent that person from attempting the same behavior with other innocent victims.



What if you had been away from the Catholic church and not practiced your faith in 10 years...

And you decided to go back to church; to practice the faith; to go to mass; to receive the sacraments; to participate with the community...

And you went to your neighborhood parish church early one morning to get a fresh start, a new beginning...

And you went to confession. And the priest hearing confession that morning happened to be someone you and your family knew somewhat well from years earlier...

And toward the end of confession the priest said to you, "Take my hand and I will give you absolution." And you felt uncomfortable about it, but you did take his hand, and he did give you absolution...

And what if one week later you got a call from this same priest offering you a job to work for the parish...

And you took the job thankful to God for welcoming you back into the fold...

And what if you went to confession some time later to this same priest. And again he said to you, "Take my hand and I will give you absolution." And again you felt uncomfortable about it, but you did take his hand, and he did give you absolution. And the priest added, "Your sins are very serious. I think it would be wise to come to my office so we could talk."...

And what if you went to his office. And you talked. And he said, "Your sins are very serious. I think it would be wise to come to my office often, and we will say the rosary and pray for Mary's intervention and God's healing."...

And you went to his office. And you prayed the rosary together. And you went to confession. And again he said, "Take my hand and I will give you absolution." And you did...

And what if a visit or so later the priest said to you, "You know, we priests don't get much affection. Would you mind if you and I shared a little affection at the end of this meeting?" And you were stunned. And you didn't know what to think. And you didn't know what to say. And you didn't want to offend the priest. So you shrugged your shoulders and said timidly, "I guess so."...

And what if at the end of that meeting the priest stood up, and you stood up, and he approached you, and he embraced you, and he gave you a bear hug, and he began to kiss you on the forehead, and then on the cheek, and you were stunned, and horrified, and embarrassed, and didn't dare lift your face for fear of what may happen next...

And what if you pushed yourself away and said you had to go now. And you left his office. And you never returned to his office again...

And you tried to avoid that priest as best you could, but you couldn't too well because you would see him often each week for mass...

And what if that priest was transferred to out of state...

And what if it came to your attention that this same priest had tried something very similar to this inappropriate behavior 25 years earlier...

And what if you quit your job working for the church? And you stopped going to church? And you stopped practicing the faith? And you stopped going to mass? And you stopped receiving the sacraments? And you stopped participating in the community? ... for these and many other reasons.

(Please read post WHAT IF A PRIEST?-2 for some conclusions drawn from this experience.)



I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I am not prone to hallucinations.

This describes the UFO I saw in the mid-90s.

I walked out of my home late at night, about midnight. I was alone. It was a clear night. It was quiet and calm.

I stood in my driveway. I looked up to the night sky and noticed the UFO hovering directly above the tree in front of my neighbor's home. It was so close to me I could almost reach out and touch it.

It was larger than an automobile, about the size of a schoolbus. It was a saucer shape. It was silent, hovering quietly in the air. It didn't make a sound.

It had something like little circular windows all around the widest perimeter. There seemed to be a type of light -- red or green, I cannot remember at this time -- on the inside of the UFO that I could see through all the windows.

It stayed hovering there for about a minute while I stared at it. Then it began to move slowly, to fly slowly a little higher and toward the west, toward Williams Blvd. It did not go far, perhaps a  block or so, and it stopped in mid-air.

After a moment, the light changed from red to green, or green to red -- I cannot remember clearly -- and WITHOUT A SOUND, ABSOLUTELY SILENT, IN NOTHING MORE THAN AN INSTANT, IT SHOT MIGHTILY INTO THE FAR HORIZON! It moved faster than anything I have ever seen; faster than anything I am aware that man has ever made.

It went from a dead stop to absolute speed in an instant; shot across the distant night sky, traveling farther and upward in the split second, and disappeared into the far horizon.


That is the UFO I saw. 



What's right with the world? Plenty, but I'll save some of those thoughts for another post. What's wrong with the world? Plenty, but in this regard I will mention a few small-ticket items. These seem rather obvious to me -- nothing too great or too earth-shattering; nothing that is already much on the political radar screen. I will mention a few simple but obvious things that are just not right. Each is waiting for someone like you to take up the cause, call it your own, and make a name for yourself as you make a difference to right the wrong.


It's not right that young school children wait at bus stops at ridiculous hours of the morning -- 5:30, 6:00, 6:30 AM -- regardless of the weather. This plain and simple isn't right. No school child should have to wait at a bus stop anytime before 7:00 AM! No if, ands or buts. It Just Not Right!


Many bus stops -- far and away most -- do not have a decent bench and some type of shelter from the weather. Too often elderly people who can barely walk, or young mothers holding infants, wait at bus stops with no place to sit, with no shelter from the wind, the rain, the cold or the heat. Shame on us for allowing this. It's Just Not Right!


It's not right that many Catholic church parishes have bell towers that chime throughout the neighborhood and everyone is forced to listen whether they want to or not. It doesn't seem too awful that these bells chime for a minute at 8 AM, 12 noon and 6 PM. This is a rather innocent way to let folks know what time it is, and if they want to say a prayer .... What is not right is when these bells chime before each mass, and especially when these bells chime melodies of church songs. Not everyone in the neighborhood cares to hear those church songs, yet they are forced to listen against their will. What is the difference between the big, powerful Catholic church blaring its unwelcome noise throughout the neighborhood and a not-so-big, not-so-powerful teenager blaring his boom box? Maybe I'm missing something here, but it seems to me that there is no difference. It's Just Not Right!


It's not right that so many drivers -- that any drivers -- speed and tailgate. These people have little regard for their life and the life of anyone who is unfortunate enough to be near. I guess they are all stupid enough to think that nothing will go wrong, that there will be no mishap, or that they will somehow miraculously respond with lightening-proper reflex if something does go wrong. These people don't know the meaning of the term defensive driving, and if they do, they obviously don't care. How  many innocent people must die because of these selfish idiots? What's the difference between them and someone taking a gun and shooting randomly at everyone walking in the park? I see no difference -- they are all selfish murderers. It's Just Not Right!


It's not right that someone can go to a job, work hard all day every day, and bring home a ridiculously low paycheck ... particularly when the boss and managers bring home very nice, even fabulous, paychecks. It doesn't take much insight to realize that the boss and managers are making a good bit, if not the major bit, of their salaries off the backs of those they don't pay a decent wage to. This unfortunate practice happens all too often. Untold millions of hard-working yet poorly-paid workers suffer because we allow this to continue. It's Just Not Right!


It's not right that within many Catholic church communities there is a strong movement to encourage what is called perpetual adoration. This means that through all hours of the night individuals, usually one or two for each hour, volunteer to go to the chapel to pray. Prayer is good, but it's not right to schedule these well-meaning people to leave the security of their homes, drive the dark streets, and walk the unguarded sidewalk to and from the chapel in the middle of the night. Maybe it's because I live in a violent city, but it seems to me that middle-of-the-night adoration is a crime -- possibly death -- waiting to happen. It won't be long before some criminal figures out that there are easy prey out there in the dark of night. I know the church loves its martyrs, but it doesn't have to go out of its way in blind ignorance of likely consequences to invite martyrdom. It's Just Not Right!

More to come in future post.